The Byzantine Empire: Art
This exquisite painting shows us Madonna and the Child, which represents the mother and her children, the Christ Child is pushing away the veil so he can see the woman's face.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
The mosaic that is represented,shows us a woman in the Byzantine Empire Time, it reveals us the way that women dressed up like, had their hair done like, and the type of jewelry they used.\
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
In this image, we get to see Jesus Christ carrying the cross. This symbolizes the trail that Christ took to his own crucifixion,and the way the Romans tortured him until he died.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
The illuminated gospel shows the four gospels created in northern Ethiopia. The colors red,green,yellow and blue are really dominant in this different kinds of paintings.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
Byzantine people usually were known for their art. Found on the 13th-14th century.This beautiful artwork is related to last century's empires. Similar designs to this cross were found in the empire's leftovers.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
This painting is the Copy of the Deesis Mosaic,which represents Christ,the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist. The painting is found at Constantinople,one of the finest artworks.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
This silk fragment contains a Hunting Scene.The figure shown, makes a representation of hunters and horseback riders.The fragment represents pre-Islamic designs.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
This silk fragment contains a Hunting Scene.The figure shown, makes a representation of hunters and horseback riders.The fragment represents pre-Islamic designs.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012.
This bowl base represents miracle scenes to Byzantine People. It expresses hopes of salvation to Christians. It shows Christ saving Hebrews,Christ healing paralytics,and much more.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2012
This Icon of Lamentations represents the Death Of Christ, when he is already buried, it shows us the way people lamented the way he died.It embraces the way he was prepared to his burial.
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.2000-2012.
The Basilica Di San Vitale is located in Ravenna, this church contains many fine artworks from the Byzantine. From paintings to mosaics of Theodora,Emperor Justinian, and much more are found at this amazing Basilica.
Sacred Destinations. 2005-2012.
Rachel Quezada 9C.
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